Friday, August 1, 2008

Intern For Atlantic Records?

If you are a college student in the NYC area and are looking for an internship this Fall in the world of Digital Marketing @ Atlantic Records. Email your resume to me at for consideration. You MUST be able to get college credit to be eligible.


Anonymous said...

I'm 100% interested in this it must be a sign because I was looking for an internship in the music business. I was talking about getting one just yesterday with my uncle, and when I checked the blog this morning like I do everyday, I see this entry posted. You will be seeing my resume soon.

Anonymous said...

im moving to closed...Street team work is cool but i so want to intern in the office...maybe next year :(

angelaaina said...

Not to seem anti-college student (being a college grad myself). But just a suggestion or a thought....why not make this internship or another one in the future available to young 20 somethings that are not as privileged to be in college but can are EXCELLENT in knowledge, creativity, & great work ethic...
I guess I'm still wearing my social justice thinking cap, you know. Dont 4get about the poor & working class!

Anonymous said...

I have friends in college who look to me for knowledge,guidence, and advice, but according to this they can get the internship and I can't? If these terms change anytime soon hit me up, my entertainment resume speaks for itself, enlightened thinker right here.